Self Love During Times of Strife | How to Stay Grounded

It’s no secret that this past year has been incredibly difficult for everyone in a variety of ways. While self love has always been salient, it’s particularly important during times of strife. Below we’ll share some of the best ways to practice self love from home so that you can stay grounded through difficult times. 

Get Creative With Connection 

Humans are naturally social creatures, so it only makes sense that we’re not always satisfied with an occasional text from family members or friends. If you don’t have time to set up a regular zoom call with your loved ones, it may feel more personal to send video or even voice memo messages back and forth. This will give your messages a more personalized feel, even if it’s not an equal substitute for connecting in person. 

The key is to talk honestly and openly with someone you trust. Doing so can help you reduce stress and feel supported even when there’s a lot of uncertainty. 

Always Have Something To Look Forward To 

In today’s uncertain world, thinking about the future can be overwhelming. One of the best ways to practice self love in this sense is to create small but purposeful events that you can depend on within your calendar. Is there a documentary series you’ve been meaning to watch? Create a binge date on your calendar. Have you been waiting to read a particular book? Put it on hold at the library. Having small, meaningful things to look forward to can give you a sense of agency over your schedule.

Put “You” On Your Schedule 

To expand upon the previous point, make sure that you’re always putting one to two “me” items onto your daily to-do list. So often we only consider what must be done to fulfill our personal and professional obligations. Even if it’s something small, make sure you write out what you plan to do and treat it with the same respect as you would for work or anything else. Self love is all about reinforcing your value, and finding activities that reflect that.

Create A Change of Scenery

While this may seem futile, switching up your environment, even in a small way can be a great form of self care. This could be as simple as tidying up an area or as complex as fully redecorating your space. Whatever it may be, creating a calming environment for yourself can help you feel anchored.  

Ask For Help When You Need It 

Asking for help when you need it isn’t shameful, it’s human. During times of strife, we need all of the support we can get. Therefore, one of the best ways to practice self love is to reach out to a helping hand. Sometimes just speaking to someone about our struggles can help us feel supported and understood. Plus, most of the time, being vulnerable towards someone you love will only strengthen your bond with one another. 

Learn Something New 

One of the best ways to feel productive and have fun is to learn something new. If you feel fatigued from the recent monotony, taking on new tasks can be a great, productive escape. Luckily, there are plenty of free course and tutorial videos available online to kickstart your learning process.

Take A Break From Electronics

The constant stream of notifications can be pretty overwhelming, especially when we’re cooped up indoors. In order to stay grounded, shut off all of your electronics every once in a while and try to experience the moment. This may feel a bit awkward at first, but in time, this can be an amazing way to quickly center yourself and practice self compassion without too much effort. 

Skip Out For A Stroll

For many people, a little bit of exercise or movement can be a great act of self care. Stepping out to take a quick walk around the block allows you to remove yourself from the noise of your task list. You can even make a playlist of calming songs to soundtrack your stroll. Finding other small ways of keeping yourself active can help too. You could try having a dance party to your favorite tunes or taking your dog on an extra long adventure.

Say “No” When Necessary 

Oftentimes, one of the best forms of self care is simply saying “no”. In today’s culture, we prioritize productivity so much that it can become debilitating, leaving us little time to spend with loved ones, let alone ourselves. Before signing on for some more overtime hours, remember that saying “no” is an acceptable option. The cost of well being often outweighs that of money since taking a break allows you to perform your best work when you are engaged. 

Take It Easy On Yourself 

When in doubt, take it easy on yourself. Remember that whatever you’re dealing with is a valid struggle that deserves to be acknowledged. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to allow yourself to simply feel. Whether that’s happy, sad, frustrated, anxious, or anything else, giving yourself time to experience and express can often help you move forward. 

Life certainly has its ups and downs, but by practicing consistent self compassion, you’ll have no trouble staying anchor when times get tough. Hopefully these tips make it easier for you to practice self love on a regular basis. You’re worth it, after all! 


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